Spiritual Life

The Mass

 As Pope John Paul II said in his the Apostolic letter Novo Millenio Ineunte, issued at the end of 2000, the celebration of Eucharist is the “source and summit” of our Catholic faith.

Mass times at St Anne’s depend on current government and archdiocesan guidelines, so it is best to consult the latest bulletin for up to date information.

Each Sunday, Mass is celebrated at 10.30am with safety measures in place. It is at this Mass that the Children’s Liturgy of the Word is celebrated, providing an opportunity for the younger children (aged from 3 to end of year 6) ideally attending on their own, to engage in age-appropriate activities based upon the Gospel for that week.  For the present, worksheets relating to each Sunday’s Gospel can be found on the Parish’s website and Facebook page. 

Each Saturday we shall also celebrate a public vigil Mass at the earlier time of 5pm.  Reconciliation takes place at 4pm until 4.45pm each Saturday. 

Weekday Masses as follows:

Mon, Tue, Weds, Thurs, Fri – 9.30am beginning with Morning Prayer at 9.15am  – Holy Hour each Thurs  at 10.00am with the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation     

 Masses for Holy Days and the seasons of Christmas and Easter will be advertised on the bulletin.

Covid-19 Guidance

01695 572168

Mass is streamed on Sunday at 10:30am via our Facebook page.

Sacraments and Sacramental Programmes

Below you will find information explaining how the Catholic sacraments can be received in our Parish. 

Have you ever thought of becoming a Catholic?


Have you ever thought of becoming a Catholic?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at St Anne’s Ormskirk.

This Journey in Faith is for adults who are considering becoming Roman Catholics.

A few points about how the journey can progress, through to Reception into the Church at Easter:

· This starts with an opening evening to learn more about RCIA, with opportunities to ask questions.

· Weekly sessions follow which are themed but conducted in an informal way with ample chance for discussion.

· Opportunities are also provided for one-to-one sessions, where questions and areas of interest can be discussed.

· The team aims to help you consider becoming a Catholic, but we understand that you may decide at any stage that this very personal commitment is not right for you.

· You do not have to be a Baptised Christian to join the group, as adult Baptism can be part of your Reception into the Church.

· If you are interested in joining the next group or would like more details, please contact the Parish Office: email paxorm@btconnect.com.


Prayer is many things including

  • a conversation with God
  • paying loving attention to God
  • being in God’s presence
  • a request for help from God.

Fr Boniface shared an insight into the life of a monk and priest in 2012.  This can be viewed using the link below:


Our life as a Benedictine parish community encourages us to

  • Search for God through personal prayer and lectio divina (prayerful reading of the scriptures).
  • Place the liturgy at the centre of parish life.
  • Develop a strong sense of community, making hospitality a key feature as well as finding concrete ways of valuing the gifts of everyone.
  • Promote on-going theological and spiritual formation for all through courses, study days and talks.
  • Build a vision of ‘church’ which transcends the local diocese and fosters a concern for Christian unity

Vocations to the Religious Life Is Jesus inviting you?

The following links will provide more information regarding vocations:

The first is to the vocations page at Douai Abbey – the Benedictine monastery which is home to our parish priests click here.

For vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate and religious life the second is a link to the vocations page at Liverpool Archdiocese click here.

For information about a vocation to the permanent diaconate please contact Rev Canon Christopher Fallon at the Archdiocesan Office


For information about a vocation to the religious life please contact the Episcopal Vicar for Religious Fr Godric Timney OSB



Participating in the Liturgy and the life of the parish

There are a number of ways in which you can become involved in the liturgy and the life of the parish, these include:

If you are interested in any of these, you would be most welcome to join the existing teams. Please contact the parish office for more information:

  • Eucharistic Ministry

  • Flower Arrangers

  • Readers

  • Church Cleaning

  • Choir

  • Grounds Maintenance

  • Welcoming

  • Writing Bidding Prayers